Fox Lake Elementary School has over 400 students registered from grades Head Start to grade 6. There is a staff of 60 people working in numerous positions within the school. Our school is brand new – built in 2011 with 23 classrooms, plus a music room, gym and library.
Cree Culture Program
Maintaining and growing Cree Culture is extremely important to our school and the community. We have three full-time Cree instructors, which allow us to offer many opportunities for both in school and on the land Cree instruction. Our students benefit from daily Cree instruction. They also have the opportunity to spend time on the land, learning many Cree traditions and ways of knowing. Our students participate in fall, winter, and spring camps.
The school offers a variety of programs to help enhance the academic learning of its students. Our K4-3 students receive Jolly Phonics programming as well as Trait Crate and Literacy Place. These programs allow our students to work at their current reading level and it helps to build their comprehension and their confidence.
The students in grades 4-6 receive reading training with the use of Fountas and Pinnell, and Trait Crate. These reading intervention support those who need extra help by allowing them to work at an accelerated pace on their reading needs.
For those at grade level we provide the Moving Up program accompanied with Trait Crate to meet their needs. The students in kindergarten through grade 6 have the use of Reading Eggs – a program to supplement the curriculum and give students extra practice.
Our students are using the math program, Math Makes Sense, which correlates closely with the Alberta Curriculum. The students in grades K-6 have the use of Mathletics, a program to supplement the curriculum and give them extra practice to improve their skills. Our students also benefit from the use of a wide variety of math manipulatives to support hands on learning.
Physical Education
Our students have formal physical education classes twice a week but also have many opportunities to participate in extra-curricular sports practices and tournaments including volleyball, soccer, flag football, floor hockey, basketball, softball, arctic games, cross country, badminton, pickle ball, and track and field. Our gym is also made available every morning for our students to go in and be physically active.
Special Education
The students in grades 1-6, who require extra support or enrichment are given the opportunity to work with Special Education teachers on literacy and numeracy.
Wellness Counsellor
We are very pleased to have a mental wellness counsellor on site. The counsellor works with individual students but also works with the classes on increasing awareness of mental wellness.
We are very happy to have an excellent extra-curricular program with many after school and programs. In addition to our sports teams, we also offer student council, a cheerleading program, an arts and crafts program, science club, 3D printing club, baking club, spelling club and other activities that meet the different interests of our students.
Breakfast and Lunch
We are very pleased to now be offering students a hot breakfast program in addition to our hot lunch program. A hot breakfast is offered to all of our students when they arrive at school in the morning.
We are very proud of our students and our staff.
Feel free to drop in any time.
School Contact:
Lynn Anderson, Principal
Email: lynna@lrrbe.com
Walter Desjarlais, Vice Principal
Email: walterd@lrrbe.com
School Phone Number: 780.659.3305
School Fax Number: 780.659.3350
Address: P.O Box 210, Fox Lake, AB T0H 1R0
Lee Barrios, Principal
Email: leeb@lrrbe.com